Let Us Have Grace


Sitting inside the airport at Quito waiting for my next flight.

Hebrews 12:28 NKJV

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

So I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Panama that will then shortly whisk me away to my home of sunny southern California. I am going to be taking a month to visit family and friends with a return ticket for June 1st. I feel torn, and partly grieved to be leaving my family that I have made here in Ecuador but I am also equally excited to see my family (both blood and in Christ) awaiting me in Phelan and Wrightwood California.

Enjoying a delicious salad at the TGI Fridays in the airport I started to read the verse of the day on my phone which is the verse quoted above. The verse reminds us that we are going to receive a kingdom that will be unshakable and based on that fact we should serve God.

Notice though that before we are exhorted to serve God we are told to have grace. I would have thought a better thing to have said would be “have strength” or “have courage” but no we are told to have grace. How amazing is it that what it takes to serve God, especially when we need to be reminded to do so, is have grace. That’s something that I needed to hear.

In going back to California I will be asking my self and asking God what He wants me to do in the future. I am even asking Him if its His will for me to come back to Ecuador. When I first came I came with the idea that “a man plans his ways and the Lord directs his steps”. When asked how long I would be here in Ecuador I would always quote that verse then say my plan is two years but I am open for the Lord to change that for more or for less.

I have to admit I feel as though I lost my way somewhat over the last few months, I began to loose sight of why I felt God had brought me here. I continued to do the work of the Lord but my heart slowly but surely wasn’t in it anymore. That’s why I was so encouraged to read that all I need is grace to serve the Lord, because I feel like I have nothing else to turn to but to God and His grace.

The next month will be a time of rest for me and more importantly a time of seeking the Lord to know His will and seek His healing. I ask that you would join me in prayer to make the right decision. If I come back that I would serve with renewed vigor and a revived focus and passion. Or that if I stay that I continue to serve the Lord in some new way perhaps in some new adventure.

In the end though God is in control (a constant phrase I have heard when I have asked for counsel about this decision) and I am putting my life back into His hands and leaving the results up to him. And in doing so I am asking God once more “let me have grace”.

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